Kod produktu: 650061952d81d41b453e453a
Kod produktu: 6500686a2d81d41b45da6f6e
Kod produktu: 65029a202d81d41b4538a40d
Kod produktu: 6502eb042d81d41b45f9d39d
Kod produktu: 650420e62d81d41b458f989f
Kod produktu: 650635286b089107beaac95f
Kod produktu: 6506d4242d81d41b450d017d
Kod produktu: 6506d45f2d81d41b4518c75b
Kod produktu: 65083da82d81d41b45c39cd2
Kod produktu: 6509ad5f2d81d41b45642370
Producent: System Era Softworks
Explore and exploit distant worlds in a game of aerospace industry and interplanetary exploration. With your gun you can reshape the landscape around you and gather resources. On your journey you come across special artifacts that will provide you with science points, in order to unlock new technolohies. These include rovers and spaceships, in order the...
Kod produktu: 650c6db9ee1df2cb4dd16555
Kod produktu: 650d4242ee1df2cb4da8a560